Thursday, March 8, 2012

A few (frugal) things...

1. Lovely Dishware
When I graduated from college and got my first "grown up" apartment, I purchased matching towels, matching sheets, matching dishware (all mostly from Target) in an attempt to feel mature and oh so sophisticated...heheeee......

The set of 4 dinner plates, salad plates and mugs I originally purchased seemed like more than enough for a single girl on the town and her takeout selection du jour.
Now that I live with my Love, AND we are trying to save money by eating at home more often, we need more dishes. I found these sweet and simple white dishes at Dollar Tree. We purchased 8 sets of dinner plates, salad bowls and mugs. Grand total--$24.00 plus tax.


2. Swagbucks

Swagbucks are an online "currency" you earn by doing things you are probably already doing: using a search engine, watching videos, shopping. You can also earn extra points for participating in surveys, taking advantage of online promotions or clipping and using coupons. Once you've earned enough points, you can go shopping through an extensive online store. 

I have been purchasing gift cards (450 swagbucks for a $5 card) to use on Christmas presents this year. WOOHOO!

3. Goodreads  (Only book nerds need proceed)
Who doesn't love spending a rainy winter afternoon with a good book?
My favorite hobby has been much more fun since my discovery of Goodreads.

On this website, you can keep track the books you have read, loved reading, hated reading, hope to read and aspire to read. You can browse the history of what your friends have read, and search through a database of book reviews and  thousands book lists about every subject you can imagine. 

Raise your hand if you have ever kept a list of the books you read. I kept my running list in an old pea green notebook I snagged at a Goodwill store for $.50.

I'm about to get really nerdy here....
SERIOUSLY nerdy....
Using goodreads, you can actually track the number of books you have read and...ahem...the number of pages too...Ever think about that? 

I read 56 books last year. That's over 20,000 pages!

Oh this website is too much for this biblionerd to take!

Used book haul from recent trip to Powell's Books in Portland, OR

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