Friday, February 18, 2011

Daydreaming of spring...

Making the most my sunny day off, Cadence and I headed to Sky Nursery.

Note: Co-pilot poking her nose out of the rear window.

But first we had to stop at a friend's garage sale.

(By we I mean I.)

Picked up a HUGE vintage wooden frame for $5!

Craft project coming soon...

Sky Nursery is beautiful any time of year. They are dog friendly (if your dog is people-friendly), and their staff is incredibly well-informed about the ins and outs of gardening in the Pacific Northwest.

Visit their website for a $5 off coupon for every $25 purchase.
There is also a coupon in the most recent Chinook Book.

Ah, I can't wait for Spring!

I might have gone a little overboard on the seeds this year...

Fantasizing about large fresh salads, pumpkin pie and butternut squash soup forced me to load my basket with seed packet after seed packet.

How can I resist such names as
the exotic Dolce Vita basil,
the silly Pinokkio organic lettuce,
the seductive scarlet nantes heirloom carrots,
and the teenage boy of the cucumber world, the burpless muncher?

It wasn't my fault, honest.

Can my tiny urban backyard handle my visions of bounty?

For those of you interested in sustainable gardening and urban homesteading on a budget,
visit the fine folks of


  1. Off to a great start! :-)

  2. Hi there! Just got your sweet comment and wanted to say thank you for being so gracious... I HATE it when people get my name wrong! LOL

    It was fun to meet you too!

